Laboratorio Nacional de Investigación y Servicios de Resonancia Magnética en Sólidos.
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Trabajos científicos publicados


Tannic Acid-Enhanced Gelatin Double Network Eutectogels Using Polymerizable Eutectic Solvents

P.A. Mercadal, Y.M. Martinez, M. Zoratti, M.I. Velasco, M.R. Romero, G. Tommasone, M.L. Picchio, A. Gonzalez, ACS Applied Polymer Materials

Ionic Crosslinking of Linear Polyethyleneimine Hydrogels with Tripolyphosphate

L.M. Araque, A. Infantes-Molina, E. Rodriguez-Castellon, Y. Garro-Linck, M.B. Franzoni, C.J. Perez, G.J. Copello, J.M. Lazaro-Martinez, Gels

Structural Characterization and Hydration Dynamics of Cross-Linked Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid Scaffolds by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

P.A. Fernandez, M.P. Cid, R. Comin, M.I. Velasco, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Diffusion and thermodynamic properties of lithium polysulfides in different solvents: a molecular dynamics approach

J. Luque Di Salvo, S.A. Maldonado-Ochoa, G.L. Luque, A. Calderon, V. Bracamonte, F. Vaca Chavez, D.E. Barraco, A. Vizintin, R. Dominko, E.P.M. Leiva, G. De Luca, PCCP

Global out-of-time-order correlators as a signature of scrambling dynamics of local observables

F. S. Lozano-Negro, C.M. Sanchez, A.K. Chattah, G.A. Alvarez, H.M. Pastawski, Physical Review A

Study of restricted diffusion of lithium salts in diglyme confined in mesoporous carbons as a model for cathodes in lithium-air batteries

S. Maldonado Ochoa, E. Fuentes Quezada, I. Angarita, M.H. Factorovich, M.M. Bruno, R.H. Acosta, M.P. Longinotti, F. Vaca Chavez, E. de la Llave, H.R. Corti, PCCP

Single-Shot MRI in parahydrogen hyperpolarized samples

L. Buljubasich, Journal of Magnetic Resonance

Morphology characterization of dendrites on lithium metal electrodes by NMR spectroscopy Reservoirs

S.A. Maldonado Ochoa, M. Zampieri, M. Otero, F. Vaca Chavez, PCCP

Application of Gaussian and Exponential Inversion for 2D Relaxation Maps in Source Rock Oil and Gas Reservoirs

M.B. Franzoni, G.S. Vila, E.V. Silletta, G.A. Monti, D. Masiero, R.H. Acosta, E.A. Domene, Energy and Fuels

Coverage-dependent adsorption of n-hexane and isopropanol on silica: A density-functional study

I. Chevallier-Boutell, R.H. Acosta, M.B. Franzoni, J.A. Olmos-Asar, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials

Universal stability of coherently diffusive one-dimensional systems with respect to decoherence

F. S. Lozano-Negro, E. Alvarez Navarro, N. C. Chávez, F. Mattiotti, F. Borgonovi, H. M. Pastawski, and G. L. Celardo, Physical Review A

Total Organic Carbon Determination by 13C CP/MAS Solid-State NMR in Unconventional Oil/Gas Source Rocks: A Case Study from the Neuquén and Cuyo Basins in Argentina

Y. Garro Linck, G. Martinez Delfa, J.A. Donadelli, E.V. Silletta, M.I. Velasco, M.B. Franzoni, G.A. Monti, C. Smal, R.H. Acosta, Energy and Fuels

Smart hybrid copolymer-coated silica nanosystems with dual responsiveness as a carrier for positive charged molecules

I.F. Amendola, M.I. Velasco, R.H. Acosta, G.J.A.A. Soler Illia, C.B. Contreras, European Polymer Journal

Water behavior at PEMFC triple phase boundary: Exploring ionomer and catalytic layer effects via molecular dynamic simulations and NMR experiments

J.C. Jimenez-Garcia, D.F.F. Robledo Flores, R.H. Acosta, M.I. Velasco, E.A. Francheschini, M.M. Mariscal, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Limits of alkanes confined in mesoporous silica as a probe for geometrical tortuosity. An NMR relaxation study

I.J. Chevallier-Boutell, R.H. Acosta, J.A. Olmos-Asar, M.B. Franzoni, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials


Montmorillonite materials with paramagnetic metal complexes: Structural studies and catalytic degradation of emerging pollutants

A.G. Crespi, P.N. Zomero, A.L. Perez, C.D. Brondino, A.I. Molina, Y. Garro Linck, G.A. Monti, ;.A. Fernandez, E. Rodriguez-Castellon, J.M. Lazaro-Martinez, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

Natural and laboratory-induced maturation of kerogen from the Vaca Muerta Formation: A comparison study

J.A. Donadelli, J. Pineda, M. Comerio, C. Smal, G. Erra, R.H. Acosta, G. Martinez Delfa, Organic Geochemistry

Spatially Resolved Dynamic Longitudinal Relaxometry in Single‑Sided NMR

F.A. Milana, M.I. Velasco, G.A. Monti, R.H. Acosta, Applied Magnetic Resonance

Dynamic nuclear polarization weighted spectroscopy of multispin electronic-nuclear clusters

R. Pagliapochi, D. Pagliero, L. Buljubasich, A. Lozovoi, R.H. Acosta, P.R. Zangara, C.A. Meriles, Physical Review B

Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance of polymers

G.A. Monti, R.H. Acosta, A.K. Chattah, Y. Garro Linck, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open

MAS NMR and DFT study of electrochemical performance of silicon nanoparticle as anodes for Li-ion batteries

A. Ruderman, E.N. Primo, M.V. Bracamonte, G.L. Luque, G.A. Monti, D.E. Barraco, F. Vaca Chavez, Journal of Power Sources

Low perturbation limit decoherence analyzed by scaling the Double Quantum Hamiltonian

C.M Sanchez, H.M. Pastawski, A.K. Chattah, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open

Characterization of structure and functionality of porous materials

M.I. Velasco, M.B. Franzoni, F. Vaca Chavez, R.H. Acosta, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open


Species Distribution in Bicontinuous Phase Systems for Enhanced Oil Recovery Probed by Single-Sided NMR

M.I. Velasco, A. Iborra, J.M. Giussi, O. Azzaroni, R.H. Acosta, Langmuir

Information-Guided Dynamic Nuclear Polarization

S. Bussandri, G. Sequeiros, P.R. Zangara, R.H. Acosta, C.A. Meriles, Physical Review Applied

Quantification of Imbibed Heptane in Shale Rocks Determined by Edited T1–T2 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation Experiments at High Magnetic Field

E.V. Silletta, G. Martinez Delfa, M.I. Velasco, J.A. Donadelli, G.A. Monti, C. Smal, R.H. Acosta, Energy and Fuels

Speciation and Proton Conductivity of Phosphoric Acid Confined in Mesoporous Silica

L.N. Trevani, C.M.O. Lepori, Y. Garro Linck, G.A. Monti, G.C. Aubin, F. Vaca Chavez, H.R. Corti, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces

ESimulating a catalyst induced quantum dynamical phase transition of a Heyrovsky reaction with different models for the environment

F.S. Lozano-Negro, M.A. Ferreyra-Ortega, D. Bendersky, L. Fernandez-Alcazar, H.M. Pastawski, J. Phys. Condensed Matter

Emergent decoherence induced by quantum chaos in a many-body system: A Loschmidt echo observation through NMR

C.M. Sanchez, A.K. Chattah, H.M. Pastawski, Physical Review A

Effect of acid treatment on the physico-chemical properties of Nafion 117 membrane

D. Iriarte, H. Andrada, S.A. Maldonado Ochoa, O.F. Silva, F. Vaca Chavez, A. Carreras, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Insights into the ethanol solvate form of clarithromycin

G.G. Miñambres, V. Aiassa, M.R. Longhi, A.K. Chattah, C. Garnero, Journal of Molecular Structure

NMR characterization of structure and moisture sorption dynamics of damaged starch granules

M.B. Franzoni, A.G. Teobaldi, G.N. Barrera, R.H. Acosta, P.D. Ribotta, M.I. Velasco, Carbohydrate Polymers

Microwave-free dynamic nuclear polarization via sudden thermal jumps

C.A. Meriles, P.R. Zangara, Physical Review Letters

Organic matter detection in shale reservoirs using a novel pulse sequence for T1-T2 relaxation maps at 2 MHz

E.V. Silletta, G.S. Vila, E.A. Domene, M.I. Velasco, P.C. Bedini, Y. Garro-Linck, D. Masiero, G.A. Monti, R.H. Acosta, Fuel

Comparison of experimental times in T1-D and D-T2 correlation experiments in single-sided NMR

E.V. Silletta, M.I. Velasco, G.A. Monti, R.H. Acosta, Journal of Magnetic Resonance


Low-field microwave-mediated optical hyperpolarization in optically pumped diamond

A. Ajoy, A. Sarkar, E. Druga, P.R. Zangara, D. Pagliero, C.A. Meriles, J.A. Reimer, Journal of Magnetic Resonance

Non-negligible interactions of alkanes with silica mesopores affect self-diffusivity: Insights from first-principles calculations

I.J. Chevallier-Boutell, G.A. Monti, H. Corti, J.A. Olmos-Asar, M.B. Franzoni, R.H. Acosta, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials

Discriminationof PHIP signals through their evolution in multipulse sequences

S. Bussandri, M.B. Franzoni, L. Buljubasich, R.H. Acosta, ChemPhysChem

Ergodicity breaking in an incommensurate system observed by OTOCs and loschmidt echoes: From quantum diffusion to sub-diffusion

F.S. Lozano-Negro, P.R. Zangara, H.M. Pastawski, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

Effect of the carbon mesoporous structure on the transport properties of confined lithium chloride aqueous solutions

E. Fuentes-Quezada, S. Maldonado Ochoa, R.H. Acosta, M. Bruno, E. de la Llave, M.P. Longinotti, F. Vaca Chavez, H.R. Corti, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials

Spaser and Optical Amplification Conditions in Graphene-Coated Active Wires

L. Prelat, M.Cuevas, N.Passarelli, R. Bustos-Marún, R.Depine, J. Opt. Soc. Am.

Role of coherence in quantum-dot-based nanomachines within the Coulomb blockade regime

F.D. Ribetto, R.A. Bustos-Marún, H.L. Calvo, Physical Review B

Current-induced forces in single-resonance systems

S.E. Deghi, L.J. Fernández-Alcázar, H.M. Pastawski, and R.A. Bustos-Marún, J. Phys. Condens. Matter

Paramagnetic solid-state NMR assignment and novel chemical conversion of the aldehyde group to dihydrogen ortho ester and hemiacetal moieties in copper(II)- and cobalt(II)-pyridinecarboxaldehyde complexes

A.F. Crespi, V.M. Sánchez, D. Vega, A.L. Pérez, C.D. Brondino, Y. Garro Linck, P. Hodgkinson, E. Rodríguez-Castellón and J.M. Lázaro-Martínez., RSC Advances

One-directional polarization transport in electron/nuclear spin chains with loss and gain

S. Bussandri, P.R. Zangara, R.H. Acosta, C.A. Meriles, Physical Review B

Molecular changes in the organic geochemistry of the Vaca Muerta Shale Formation as consequence of natural maturation

J.A. Donadelli, A. Canneva, Y. Garro Linck, G. Martinez Delfa, G. Erra, M.I. Velasco, M.B. Franzoni, E.V. Silletta, R.H. Acosta, A. Calvo, Organic Geochemistry

Detection of Solid Organic Material and Fluids in a Shale Rock by means of Low Field NMR

R.H. Acosta, E.V. Silletta, G.A. Monti, Y. Garro Linck, P.C. Bedini, G.S. Vila, D.M. Masiero, E.A. Domene, M.I. Velasco, US Patent US20210123874A1

Driving Transport with High Disorder

H.M. Pastawski, Physics

Characterization of gluten-free bulk dough for laminated products

A.E. de la Horra, M.I. Velasco, G.N. Barrera, M.E. Steffolani, R.H. Acosta, P.D. Ribotta, A.E. Leon, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization

Magnetic field induced delocalization in hybrid electron-nuclear spin ensembles

D. Pagliero, P.R. Zangara, J. Henshaw, A. Ajoy, R.H. Acosta, N. Manson, J.A. Reimer, A. Pines, C.A. Meriles, Physical Review B

Nuclear spin temperature reversal via continuous radio-frequency driving

P.R. Zangara, D. Pagliero, A. Ajoy, R.H. Acosta, J.A. Reimer, C.A. Meriles, Physical Review B

Accurate location of hydrogen atoms in hydrogen bonds of tizoxanide from the combination of experimental and theoretical models

A.L. Reviglio, F.A. Martinez, M.D.A. Montero, Y. Garro-Linck, G.A. Aucar, N.R. Sperandeo, G.A. Monti, RSC Advances

Unveiling the stability of Sn/Si/graphite composites for Li-ion storage by physical, electrochemical and computational tools

A. Ruderman, S. Smrekar, V. Bracamonte, E. Primo, G.L. Luque, J. Thomas, E. Leiva, G.A. Monti, F. Vaca Chavez, D. Barraco, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.

Radiofrequency encoded only parahydrogen spectroscopy

S. Bussandri, R.H. Acosta,L. Buljubasich, J. Magnetic Resonance


Diffusion measurements with continuous hydrogenation in PHIP

S. Bussandri, L. Buljubasich, R.H. Acosta, J. Magnetic Resonance

Entropy current and efficiency of quantum machines driven by nonequilibrium incoherent reservoirs

S.E. Deghi, R.A. Bustos-Marún, Phys. Rev. B

Theoretical Analysis of Metallic-Nanodimer Thermoplasmonics for Phototactic Nanoswimmers

A.I. Bertoni, N. Passarelli, R.A. Bustos-Marún, ACS Appl. Nano Mater

Exploring Solid Forms of Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride

M.S- Bueno, G.G. Miñambres, A. Bongioanni, A.K. Chattah, V. Aiassa, M.R. Longhi, C. Garnero, International Journal of Pharmaceutics

Limits imposed by liquid/surface interactions in the determination of tortuosity in mesopores

L. Garro Linck, S.A. Maldonado Ochoa, M. Ceolin, H. Corti, G.A. Monti, F. Vaca Chavez, R.H. Acosta, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials

Evaluating ternary systems with oligosaccharides as a strategy to improve the biopharmaceutical properties of furosemide

J. Abraham Miranda, A. Zoppi, A. Chattah, V. Sterren, Y. Santiago de Oliveira, A. Ayala, M. Longhi, Materials Science & Engineering C, 111, 110793 (2020)

Optically pumped spin polarization as a probe of many-body thermalization

D. Pagliero, P.R. Zangara, J. Henshaw, A. Ajoy, R.H. Acosta, J.A. Reimer, A. Pines, C.A. Meriles, Science Advances, Vol. 6, no. 18, eaaz6986 (2020)

Singlet Spin Order Originating from Para-H2

K. Muennemann, L. Buljubasich, M.B. Franzoni, Long-lived Nuclear Spin Order: Theory and Applications, Chapter 18, RSC (2020)

Pharmaceutical polymorphism of a 5´-O-oxalatoyl prodrug of zidovudine (azidothymidine).

D.E. Kassuha, F.P. Bruno, G.A. Monti and N.R. Sperandeo, J Appl Pharm Sci, 10(03),067-074 (2020)

Novel Cocrystals and Eutectics of the Antiprotozoal Tinidazole: Mechanochemical Synthesis, Cocrystallization, and Characterization.

O.E. Fandino, A.L. Reviglio, Y. Garro Linck, G.A. Monti, M.M. Marcos Valdez, S.N. Faudone, M.R. Caira and N.R. Sperandeo, Cryst. Growth Des., 20, 5, 2930-2942 (2020)

New Multicomponent Forms of the Antiretroviral Nevirapine with Improved Dissolution Performance.

R.N. Costa, A.L. Reviglio, S. Siedler, S.G. Cardoso, Y. Garro Linck, G.A. Monti, A.M.G. Carvalho, H.A.L.C. Resende, M.H.C. Chavez, H.V.A. Rocha, D. Choquesillo-Lazarte, L. Infantes and S.L. Cuffini, Cryst. Growth Des., 20, 2, 688-698 (2020)

Perturbation Independent Decay of the Loschmidt Echo in a Many-Body System.

C.M. Sánchez, A.K. Chattah, K.X. Wei, L. Buljubasich, P. Cappellaro, and H.M. Pastawski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 030601 (2020)


Single-shot Velocity Mapping by Rewinding of Velocity Encoding with Echo-Planar Imaging.

M.R. Serial, E.V. Silletta, J. Perlo, J.P. Giovacchini, M.I. Velasco, B. Bluemich, E.D. Danieli, F. Casanova, R.H. Acosta, J. Magn. Reson. (2019)

13C dynamic nuclear polarization in diamond via a microwave-free ‘integrated’ cross effect.

  1. Henshaw, D. Pagliero, P.R. Zangara, M.B. Franzoni, A. Ajoy, R.H. Acosta, J.A. Reimer, A. Pines, C.A. Meriles, PNAS (2019)

Modulation of Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Character of Porous Environments in Metal Organic Frameworks via Direct Polymer Capping Probed by NMR Diffusion Measurements.

M.I. Velasco, R.H. Acosta, W. Marmisolle, O. Azzaroni, M. Rafti, J. Phys. Chem. C (2019)

Investigating a soluble pharmaceutical salt: Albendazole Hydrochloride.

  1. Bongioanni, M.S. Bueno, J. Abraham Miranda, A.K. Chattah, A.P. Ayala, M.R. Longhi, C. Garnero, Crystal Growth and Design (2019)

Furosemide; Triethanolamine Salt as a Strategy to Imporve the Bioparmaceutical Properties and Photostability of the Drug

  1. Abraham Miranda, C. Garnero, A.K. Chattah, Y. Santiago de Oliveira, A.P. Ayala, M.R. Longhi, Crystal Growth and Design (2019)

Interfacial properties modulated by the water confinement in Reverse Micelles created by the Ionic Liquid-like surfactant bmim-AOT

  1. Lepori, N.M. Correa, J. Silber, F. Vaca Chavez, R.D. Falcone, Soft Matter (2019)

Challenging identification of polymorphic mixture: polymorphs I, II and III in olanzapine raw materials

C.G. Testa, L.D. Prado, R.N. Costa, M.L. Costa, Y. Garro Linck, G.A. Monti, S.L. Cuffini, H.V.A. Rocha, International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2019)

Combination of OPSY and PhD-PHIP results in enhanced sensitivity in PHIP

  1. Bussandri, L. Buljubasich, R.H. Acosta, J. Magn. Reson. (2019)

Inclusion complexes of β-cyclodextrin and polymorphs of mebendazole: Physicochemical characterization

Elbio Saidmana, Ana K. Chattah, Leslie Aragón, Matías Sancho, Gerardo Camí, Claudia Garnero, Marcela Longhi, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019


MRI in situ visualization of an electrochemical reaction under forced hydrodynamic conditions

M.R. Serial, M.I. Velasco, S.A. Maldonado Ochoa, F. Zanotto, S.A. Dassie, R.H. Acosta, ACS Omega 3, 18630-18638 (2018).

Casein films crosslinker by tannic acid for food packaging applications

M.L. Picchio, Y. Garro Linck, G.A. Monti, L.M. Gugliotta, R.J. Minari, C.I. Alvarez Igarzabal, Food Hydrocolloids, 84, 424-434 (2018)

Improving the Stability and the Pharmaceutical Properties of Norfloxacin Form C Through Binary Complexes with β-Cyclodextrin

  1. Garnero, A.K. Chattah, C. Aloisio, L.Fabietti, M.Longhi, AAPS PharmSciTech (2018)

Dynamics and spatial distribution of water in Nafion 117 membrane investigated by NMR spin-spin relaxation

  1. Andrada, M. B: Franzoni, A. Carreras, F. Vaca Chavez, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy (2018)

Geometric rectification for nanoscale vibrational energy harvesting

R.A. Bustos Marun, Phys. Rev. B, 97, 075412 (2018).

Optimized phases for the acquisition of J-spectra in coupled spin systems for thermally and PHIP polarized molecules

  1. Bussandri, I. Prina, R.H. Acosta, L. Buljubasich, J. Magn. Reson. (2018).

Diffusion of Water and Electrolytes in Mesoporous Silica With a Wide Range of Pore Sizes

  1. Martinez Casillas, M. Longinotti, M. Bruno, F. Vaca Chavez, R.H. Acosta, H. Corti, J. Phys. Chem. C (2018).

Effects of fat and sugar on dough and biscuit behaviours and their relationship to proton mobility characterized by TD-NMR

  1. Blanco, M.C. Valentinuzzi, R.H. Acosta, A.E. Leon, P.D. Ribotta, Food & Bioprocess Technology (2018).

Generation and Stability of the gem-Diol Forms in Imidazole Derivatives Containing Carbonyl Groups. Solid-State NMR and Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Studies

  1. Crespi, A.J. Byrne, D. Vega, A..K Chattah, G.A: Monti, J.M. Lázaro-Martínez, J. Phys. Chem. A (2018).

Probing numerical Laplace inversion methods for two and three-site molecular exchange between interconnected pore structures.

E.V. Silletta, M.B. Franzoni, G.A. Monti, R.H. Acosta, Journal of Magnetic Resonance (2018).

Influence of exchange in NMR pore size/relaxation correlation experiments.

E.V. Silletta, M.B. Franzoni, G.A. Monti, R.H. Acosta, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2018).


Dynamic heterogeneity in an orientational glass.

Nirvana B. Caballero, Mariano Zuriaga, Josep Lluís Tamarit, and Pablo Serra, J. Chem. Phys. 147, 184501 (2017).

A model to describe the inhomogeneous broadening of nqr lines in chlorohalo-benzenes with orientational or substitutional disorder.

Silvina C. Perez and Mariano Zuriaga. Solid State NMR, 18 (2017).

Real-time diagrammatic approach to current-induced forces: Application to quantum-dot based nanomotors.

Hernán L. Calvo, Federico D. Ribetto, and Raúl A. Bustos-Marún, Phys. Rev. B 96, 165309 (2017).

Flow pattern characterization of Biphasic Electrochemical Cells by MRI under forced hydrodynamic conditions.

M.R. Serial, M.I. Velasco, E.V. Silletta, F, Zanotto, S.A. Dassie, R.H. Acosta, ChemPhysChem (2017).

Application of 1D and 2D solid-state NMR spectroscopy to the characterization of morphine, morphine hydrochloride and their hydrates.

Romanuk, C.B.; Garro-Linck, Y; Alves de Santana, M.S.; Manzo, R.H; Ayala, A.P.; Monti, G.A.; Chattah, A.K.; Olivera, M.E, J. Pharmaceutical Sciences (2017).

Evolution of multiple quantum coherences with scaled dipolar Hamiltonian.

Claudia M Sánchez, Lisandro Buljubasich, Horacio M Pastawski, Ana Karina Chattah, J. Magn. Reson. (2017).

Preparation of Chloramphenicol/Amino Acid Combinations Exhibiting Enhanced Dissolution Rates and Reduced Drug-Induced Oxidative Stress.

Vanesa B. Sterren, Virginia Aiassa, Claudia Garnero, Yamila Garro Linck, Ana K. Chattah, Gustavo A. Monti, Marcela R. Longhi, and Ariana Zoppi. AAPS Pharm Sci Tech (2017).

Dynamics and decoherence in nonideal Thouless quantum motors.

    1. Fernández-Alcázar, H. M. Pastawski and R. A. Bustos-Marún. Phys. Rev. B 95, 155410 (2017).

Contribution of entanglements to polymer network elasticity.

Campise, Florencia; Agudelo, Diana ; Acosta, Rodolfo; Villar, Marcelo; Valles, Enrique; Monti, Gustavo; Vega, Daniel, Macromolecules (2017)

Water Confined in Mesoporous TiO2 Aerosols: Insights from NMR Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.

Manuel I. Velasco, Maria Belen Franzoni, Esteban Franceschini; Estefania Gonzalez Solveyra, Damian Scherlis, Rodolfo Acosta, Galo Soler-Illia, J. Physical Chemistry C (2017)

Facilitated proton transfer across liquid|liquid interfaces under forced hydrodynamic conditions. Determination of partition coefficients of neutral weak bases.

Franco Vega Mercado; Juan M Ovejero; Franco M Zanotto; María R Serial; Manuel I Velasco; Ricardo A Fernández; Rodolfo H Acosta; Sergio Alberto Dassie, J. Electroanalytical Chemistry (2017).

Spin relaxation studies of Li+ ion dynamics in polymer gel electrolytes

Marc Brinkkötter, Martin Gouverneur, Pedro José Sebastião, Fabian Vaca Chavez and Monika Schönhoff, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 7390-7398 (2017).

Toward novel antiparasitic formulations: complexes of Albendazoledesmotropes and beta-cyclodextrin

Ana K. Chattah, Laura Y. Pfund, Ariana Zoppi, Marcela R. Longhi, Claudia Garnero, Carbohydrate Polymers 164 (2017) 379–385.

Very fast dissolving acid carboxymethylcellulose-rifampicin matrix: development and solid-state characterization.

Laura C. Luciani-Giacobbe, María V. Ramírez-Rigo, Yamila Garro Linck, Gustavo A. Monti, Ruben H. Manzo, María E. Olivera, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 96 398-410 (2017)


Spaser and Optical Amplification Conditions in Gold-Coated Active Nanoparticles.

Nicolás Passarelli, Raúl A. Bustos-Marún, and Eduardo A. Coronado. J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 24941−24949 (2016).

An efficient coarse-grained approach for the electron transport through large molecular systems under dephasing environment.

  1. Nozaki, R. Bustos-Marun, C.J. Cattena, G. Cuniberti, H.M. Pastawski, European Physical Journal B 89 102 (2016).

Environmental Topology and Water Availability Modulates the Catalytic Activity of β-Galactosidase Entrapped in a Nanosporous Silicate Matrix.

Inés Burgos, Manuel I. Velasco, Rodolfo H. Acosta, and Maria Perillo, Scientific Reports (in press)

Gem-Diol and hemiacetal forms in Formyl-Piridine and Vitamin-B6 related compounds: solid-state NMR and Single-Crystal X-ray diffraction studies.

    1. Crespi, D. Vega, A. K. Chattah, G.A. Monti, G. Y. Buldain and J.M. Lazaro Martinez, J. Phys. Chem. A (in press)

Stability of Furosemide Polymorphs and the effects of complex formation with B-Cyclodextrin and Maltodextrin.

  1. Garnero, A.K. Chattah, M. Longhi, Carbohydrate Polymers 152 598–604 (2016).

Enhanced surface interaction of water confined in hierarchical porous polymers induced by hydrogen bonding.

Emilia V. Silletta, Manuel Isaac Velasco, Cesar G. Gomez, Miriam C. Strumia, Siegfried Stapf, Carlos Mattea,Gustavo Alberto Monti, and Rodolfo H. Acosta, Langmuir. DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b00824.

Orientational relaxations in solid (1,1,2,2)tetrachloroethane

Pragya Tripathi, Efstratia Mitsari, Michela Romanini, Pablo Serra, Josep Tamarit, Mariano Zuriaga, and Roberto Macovez . J. Chem. Phys. 144, 164505 (2016).

Dynamic Heterogeneity in the Monoclinic Phase of CCl4

Nirvana B. Caballero, Mariano Zuriaga, Marcelo Carignano and Pablo Serra. J. Phys. Chem B, 120, 860 (2016).

Spatially Resolved Monitoring of Drying of Hierarchical Porous Organic Networks

M.I. Velasco, E.V. Silletta, C.G. Gomez, M.C. Strumia, S. Stapf, G.A. Monti, C. Mattea, R.H. Acosta, Langmuir, 32, 2067–2074 (2016).

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of 1H Long Lived States derived from Parahydrogen Induced Polarization in a Clinical System

  1. Graafen, M.B. Franzoni, L.M. Schreiber, H.W. Spiess, K. Muennemann, J. Magn. Reson., 262, 68-72 (2016).

Contribution of Linear Guest and Structural Pendant Chains to Relaxational Dynamics in Model Polymer Networks Probed by Time-Domain 1H NMR

  1. Campise, L. Roth, R.H. Acosta, M.A. Villar, E.M. Valles, G.A. Monti, D.A. Vega., Macromolecules, 39, 4788–4792 (2016).

Influence of the incorporation of fibers in biscuit dough on proton mobility characterized by time domain NMR.

M.R. Serial, S. Blanco Canalis, M. Carpinella, M.C. Valentinuzzi, A.E. Leon, P.D. Ribotta, R.H. Acosta, Food Chemistry, 192, 950 (2016).

Molecular dissociation in presence of a catalyst: II. the bond breaking role of the transition from virtual to localized states

  1. Ruderman, A.D. Dente, E. Santons, H.M. Pastawski, Materials Research Express 3 085017 (2016).

Loschmidt echo and time reversal in complex systems

  1. Goussev, R.A. Jalabert, H.M. Pastawski, D.A. Wisniacki, Phil. Trans. A 374 20150383 (2016).

Quantum dynamics of excitations and decoherence in many-spin systems detected with Loschmidt echoes: its relation to their spreading through the Hilbert space

    1. Sánchez, P. R. Levstein, L. Buljubasich, H. M. Pastawski, A.K. Chattah, Phil. Trans. A 374 20150155, (2016).

Loschmidt echo in many-spin systems: contrasting time-scales of local and global measurements

P.R. Zangara, D. Bendersky, P.R. Levstein, H.M. Pastawski, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A., 374, 20150163 (2016).


Dynamic characterization of crystalline and glass phases of deuterated 1,1,2,2 Tetra-chloroethane

Silvina C. Pérez, Mariano Zuriaga, Pablo Serra, Alberto Wolfenson, Philippe Negrier,and Josep Lluis Tamarit. J. Chem . Phys. 143, 134502 (2015).

Structural and dynamic characterization of solid furosemide polymorphs by NQR and NMR methods

  1. Wolfenson, S.C. Pérez, Mariano J. Zuriaga, Claudia Garnero, J. Abraham Miranda, Marcela Longhi, S.N. Faudone. Chem. Phys. Lett. 641, 163 (2015).

Experimental quantification of decoherence via the Loschmidt Echo in a many spin system with scaled dipolar Hamiltonians

  1. Buljubasich, C.M. Sanchez, A. Dente, P.R. Levstein, A.K. Chattah, H.M. Pastawski, J. Chem. Phys. 143 (16), 164308 (2015).

Role of energy uncertainties in ergodicity breaking induced by competing interactions and disorder. A dynamical assessment through the Loschmidt echo.

P.R. Zangara, P.R. Levstein, H.M. Pastawski, Papers in Physics 7, 070012 (2015).

Unusual Temperature-Induced Swelling of Ionizable Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-Based Microgels: Experimental and Theoretical Insights into its Molecular Origin

J.M. Giussi, M.I. Velasco, G.S. Longo, R.H. Acosta, O. Azzaroni, Soft Matter, 11, 8879-8886 (2015)

1H-NMR relaxation study of a magnetic ionic liquid as a potential contrast agent.

  1. Daniel, F. Vaca Chavez, C. Portugal, J. P. Crespo, and P. J. Sebastiao, J. Phys. Chem B. Accepted. (2015).

FE(III) saleen derived schiff base complexes as potential contrast agents.

  1. Cardoso, A. Vicente, J. B. Ward, P. J. Sebastiao; F. Vaca Chavez, S. Barroso, A. Carvalho, S. J. Keely, P. N. Martinho and M. J. Calhorda, Inorg. Chim. Acta., 432, 258 (2015).

Decoherence in current induced forces: Application to adiabatic quantum motors.

L.J. Fernandez-Alcazar, R.A. Bustos-Marun, H.M. Pastawski, Phys. Rev. B, 92, 075406 (2015)

Molecular dissociation in the presence of calaysts: interpreting bond breaking as a quantum dynamical phase transition.

  1. Ruderman, A.D. Dente, E. Santos, H.M. Pastawski, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 27, 315501 (2015)

Determination of flow patterns in a rotating disk electrode configuration by MRI.

  1. Carpinella, M.I. Velasco, E.V. Silletta, J.M. Ovejero, S.A. Dassie, R.H. Acosta, J. Electroanal. Chem., 750, 100 (2015)

Proliferation of effective interactions: Decoherence-induced equilibration in a closed many-doby system: a Loschmidt Echo approach.

P.R. Zangara, D. Bendersky, H.M. Pastawski, Phys. Rev. A, 91, 042112 (2015)

Decoherent time-dependent transport beyond the Landauer-Büttiker formulation: a quantum-drift alternative to quantum jumps.

Lucas J. Fernández-Alcázar and Horacio M. Pastawski, Phys. Rev. A 91, 022117 (2015)

Structural and physicochemical aspects of drug release from layered double hydroxides and layered hydroxide salts.

Ricardo Rojas; Yamila Garro Linck; Silvia I Cuffini; Gustavo A Monti; Carla E Giacomelli. ​Applied Clay Science, 109-110, pp. 119-126 (2015)

Solid-state studies of the crystalline/amorphous character in linear Poly(ethyleneimine hydrochloride) (PEI.HCl) polymers and their copper complexes

Juan Manuel Lázaro Martínez, Enrique Rodriguez-Castellon, Daniel Vega, Gustavo Monti, Ana K. Chattah. Macromolecules, 48, 1115 (2015)

Plasmonics graded-chains as deep-subwavelength light concentrators.

  1. Esteves-Lopez, H. M. Pastawski, R.A. Bustos Marun, J. Phys. Cond. Matt., 27, 125301 (2015)

Investigating Albendazole Desmotropes by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.

Ana K Chattah, Rongchun Zhang, Kamal H Mroue, Laura Y Pfund,Marcela R Longhi, Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy, Claudia Garnero. Molecular Pharmaceutics, in press.

Desktop MRI as a promising tool for mapping intra-aneurysmal flow.

  1. Perlo, E.V. Silletta, E. Danieli, G. Cattaneo, R.H. Acosta, B. Blümich, F.Casanova. Magn. Reson. Imag., 33, 328 (2015)

Grinding effect on levofloxacin hemihydrate.

Pereira, R.N., Fandaruff, C., Riekes, M.K., Monti, G.A., De Campos, C.E.M., Cuffini, S.L., Silva, M.A.S. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 119(2), 989-994 (2015).

Discrimination of parahydrogen induced polarization signals with J-spectra acquisition in poorly hyperpolarized samples.

  1. Buljubasich, I. Prina, M.B. Franzoni y R. H. Acosta.Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 21-23, 205 (2015)

Parahydrogen discriminated PHIP at low magnetic fields.

  1. Prina, L. Buljubasich, R.H. Acosta, J. Magn. Reson., 1-7, 251 (2015).

Compact NMR spectroscopy for real-time monitoring of a biodiesel production

M.H.M. Killner, Y. Garro Linck, E. Danieli, J.J.R. Rohwedder, B. Blümich. Fuel, Volume 139, 1 January 2015, Pages 240-247


Self-assembled liquid crystals by hydrogen bonding between bipyridyl and alkylbenzoic acids: solvent free synthesis by mechanochemistry.

  1. Miranda, F. Vaca Chavez, T. Maria, M. E. Eusebio, P. J. Sebastiao and M. Ramos Silva, Liq. Cryst., 41(12), 1743 (2014).

NMR molecular dynamics study of chromonic liquid crystals edicol sunset yellow doped with salts.

    1. de Almeida Martins, F. Vaca Chavez and P. J. Sebastiao, Mag. Reson. Chem., 52, 540 (2014).

Understanding chemical reactions of CO_2 and its isoelectronic molecules with 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate by changing the nature of the cation: the case of CS_2 in 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium acetate studied by nmr spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations.

  1. Cabaco, M. Besnard, F. Vaca Chavez, N. Pinaud, P. J. Sebastiao, J. Coutinho and Y. Danten, J. Chem. Phys., 140, 244307 (2014).

Charge templates in aromatic plus ionic liquid systems revisited: NMR experiments and md simulations.

  1. Dias, K. Shimizu, P. Morgado, E. Filipe, J. N. Canongia Lopes and F. Vaca Chavez J. Phys. Chem. B, 118, 5772 (2014).

Proton NMR relaxation study of molecular dynamics of chromonic liquid crystal edicol sunset yellow.

  1. Cachitas, P. J. Sebastiao, G. Feio and F. Vaca Chavez, Liq. Cryst., 41(8), 1080 (2014).

1H NMR Spectroscopy and MR Imaging with hyperpolarised substances.

  1. Graafen, S. Ebert, O. Neudert, L. Buljubasich, M. B. Franzoni, J. F. Dechent, K. Münnemann, Annual Reports on NMR Spectr. 82, 167-215 (2014).

Polymorphism of anti-hiv drug efavirenz: investigations on thermodynamic and dissolution properties.

Fandaruff, Cinira; Rauber, Gabriela; Araya-Sibaja, Andrea; Pereira, Rafael; Campos, Carlos; Rocha, Helvécio; Monti, Gustavo; Malaspina, Thaciana; Silva, Marcos Antônio; Cuffini, Silvia. Crystal Growth & Desing, 14 (10), 4968-4975 (2014), ISSN 1528-7483.

Generalized multi-terminal decoherent transport: recursive algorithms and applications to SASER and giant magnetoresistance

Carlos J. Cattena, Lucas J. Fernandez-Alcazar, Raul A. Bustos-Marun, Daijiro Nozaki and Horacio M. Pastawski. J. Phys. Condens. Matter 26 (2014) 345304

Landau-Zener and Rabi oscillations in the spin-dependent conductance

    1. Fernandez-Alcazar and H. M. Pastawski. Europhysics Letters (EPL) 105 (2014) 17005

Chapter Four - Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Pharmaceutical Compounds

Gustavo Alberto Monti, Ana Karina Chattah, Yamila Garro Linck. Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy, Volume 83, 2014, Pages 221-269

Clustering and decoherence of correlated spins under double quantum dynamics.

C.M. Sanchez, R.H. Acosta, P.R. Levstein, H.M. Pastawski, A.K. Chattah. Phys. Rev. A, 90, 042122 (2014)

Evaporation Kinetics in Swollen Porous Polymeric Networks

E.V. Silletta, M.I. Velasco, C.G. Gómez, R.H. Acosta, M.C. Strumia, G.A. Monti. Langmuir, 30, 4129–4136 (2014)

Isomorphism and disorder in o-chlorohalobenzenes studied by NQR

Silvina C. Pérez, Alberto Wolfenson, Mariano Zuriaga. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 57-58, 39 (2014).

Water and membrane dynamics in suspensions of lipid vesicles functionalized with polyethylene glycols.

E. Clop, A.K. Chattah, M.A. Perillo Aceptado en J. Phys. Chem B, Mayo, 2014. DOI: 10.1021/jp410894x.

Improving furosemide polymorphs properties through supramolecular complexes of β-cyclodextrin.

Claudia Garnero, Ana Karina Chattah, Marcela Longhi. Talanta, 117, 189-195 (2013).

Dissolution properties, solid-state transformation and polymorphic crystallization: progesterone case study.

Andrea Mariela Araya-Sibaja, Amarilis Scremin Paulino, Gabriela Schneider Rauber, Carlos Eduardo Maduro Campos, Simone Gonçalves Cardoso, Gustavo Alberto Monti, Valeria Heredia, Ismael Bianco, Dante Beltrano, and Silvia Lucia Cuffini. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Volume 95, Pages 139-145 (2014).


Hyperpolarized 1H Long Lived States Originating from Para-hydrogen Accessed by r.f. irradiation.

    1. Franzoni, D. Graafen, L. Buljubasich, L. M. Schreiber, H. W. Spiess, K. Münnemann, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 17233-17239 (2013).

Mobile Low-Field 1H NMR Spectroscopy Desktop Analysis of Biodiesel Production

Yamila Garro Linck, M. H. M. Killner, E. Danieli, B. Blümich. Applied Magnetic Resonance. February 2013, Volume 44, Issue

High Resolution Hyperpolarized J-Spectra with Parahydrogen Discrimination.

I. Prina, L. Buljubasich, R. H. Acosta. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 4, 3924–3928 (2013).

Solid-state evaluation and polymorphic quantification of venlafaxine hydrochloride raw materials using the Rietveld Method.

Larissa S. Bernardi, Fábio F. Ferreira, Silvia L. Cuffini, Carlos E. M. Campos, Gustavo A. Monti, Gislaine Kuminek, Paulo R. Oliveira, Simone G. Cardoso. Talanta, 117, 189-195 (2013).

Insights into the coordination sphere of copper ion in polymers containing carboxylic acid and azole groups

J.M. Lázaro-Martínez, G.A. Monti, A.K. Chattah. Polymer, 54, 5214-5221 (2013).

Insights into Novel Supramolecular Complexes of Two Solid Forms of Norfloxacin and beta-Cyclodextrin


High resolution para-hydrogen induced polarization in inhomogeneous magnetic fields.

Buljubasich, L., Prina, I., Franzoni, M.B. Münnemann, K. Spiess, H.W. Acosta, R.H. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 230, 155-159 (2013).

Non-perturbative effects of laser illumination on the electrical properties of graphene nanoribbons.

Calvo, H.L. Perez-Piskunow, P.M. Pastawski, H.M. Roche, S. Foa Torres, L.E.F. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 25, (2013).

Single crystal structure, solid state characterization and dissolution rate of terbinafine hydrochloride.

G. Kuminek, G.S. Rauber, M.K. Riekes, C.E.M. Campos, G.A. Monti, A.J. Bortoluzzi, S.L. Cuffini, S.G. Cardoso Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 78-79, 105-111 (2013).

Characterization and structural analysis of the potent antiparasitic and antiviral agent tizoxanide.

F.P. Bruno, M.R. Caira, E.C. Martin, G.A. Monti, N.R. Sperandeo Journal of Molecular Structure, 1036, 318-325 (2013).

Influence of the synthesis conditions on the physicochemical properties and acidity of Al-MCM-41 as catalysts for the cyclohexanone oxime rearrangement.

E.G. Vaschetto, G.A. Monti, E.R. Herrero, S.G. Casuscelli, G.A. Eimer Applied Catalysis A: General, 453, 391-402 (2013).

Solid-state characterization and dissolution properties of Fluvastatin sodium salt hydrates.

Borgmann, S.H.M., Bernardi, L.S., Rauber, G.S., Oliveira, P.R., Campos, C.E.M., Monti, G., Cuffini,S.L., Cardoso, S.G Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 18, 525-534 (2013). ISSN 1083-7450

Fragility of superposition states evaluated by the Loschmidt echo.

Denise Bendersky, Pablo R. Zangara, and Horacio M. Pastawski. Physical Review A 88, 032102 (2013).

Time fluctuations in isolated quantum systems of interacting particle.

Pablo R. Zangara, Axel D. Dente, E. J. Torres-Herrera, Horacio M. Pastawski, Aníbal Iucci, and Lea F. Santos. Physical Review E 88, 032913 (2013). Errata. Phys. Rev. E 88, 049904 (2013).

Interaction-disorder competition in a spin system evaluated through the Loschmidt echo

Pablo R. Zangara, Axel D. Dente, Aníbal Iucci, Patricia R. Levstein, and Horacio M. Pastawski. Physical Review B 88, 195106 (2013).

Supramolecular complexes of Maltodextrin and Furosemide polymorphs: a new approach for delivery systems.

C. Garnero, A. K. Chattah, M.R. Longhi. Carbohydrate Polymers.94, 292-300 (2013).

Dynamic heterogeneity in the glass-like monoclinic phases of some halogen methane compounds

    1. Zuriaga, S. C. Perez, L. C. Pardo and J. Ll. Tamarit. AIP conference Proceedings 1518, 59 (2013).

Conformational polymorphism: The missing phase of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (Cl2HC-CHCl2)

Ph. Negrier, M. Barrio, J. Ll. Tamarit, D. Mondieig, M. J. Zuriaga, S. C. Perez. Crystal Growth & Design 13, 2143 (2013).

Molecular kinetics of solid and liquid CHCl3

N.B. Caballero, M.J: Zuriaga, M.A. Carignano and P. Serra. Chem. Phys. Lett. 585, 69 (2013)


Long-lived 1h singlet spin states originating from para-hydrogen in cs-symmetric molecules stored for minutes in high magnetic fields.

Franzoni M.B.; Buljubasich L.; Spiess H.W; Münnemann. Journal of American Chemical Soceity 25, 10393 (2012)

Loschmidt echo as a robust decoherence quantifier for many-body systems

Pablo R. Zangara, Axel D. Dente, Patricia R. Levstein, Horacio M. Pastawski. Physical Review A, vol. 86, 012322 (2012).

Storage of quantum coherences as phase-labelled local polarization in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance

Franzoni, M.B. Acosta, R.H. Pastawski, H.M. Levstein, P.R., Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 370, 4713-4733 (2012).

Studies of pilocarpine:carbomer intermolecular interactions.

Ariana Zoppi, Yamila Garro Linck, Gustavo A. Monti, Diego B. Genovese, Álvaro F. Jimenez Kairuz, Rubén H. Manzo, Marcela R. Longhi. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 427, 252-259 (2012). ISSN 0378-5173

Mixture and dissolution of laser polarized noble gases: Spectroscopic and imaging applications.

R.H. Acosta, P. Blümler, K. Münnemann, H.-W. Spiess. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, 66, 40-69 (2012).

Excitation-transfer plasmonic nanosensors based on dynamical phase transitions.

R.A. Bustos-Marún, E.A. Coronado, H.M. Pastawski. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116, 18937-18943(2012).

Disorder and dephasing effects on electron transport through conjugated molecular wires in molecular junctions.

D. Nozaki, C. Gomes Da Rocha, H.M. Pastawski, G. Cuniberti. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 85 (2012).

1H and 2H NMR Spin-Lattice Relaxation Probing Water: PEG Molecular Dynamics in Solution

Eduardo M Clop, Maria A Perillo, Ana K. Chattah. J. Phys. Chem. B.116 (39), 11953–11958 (2012).

Synthesis and characterization of novel polyampholyte and polyelectrolytepolymers containing imidazole, triazole or pyrazole

J. M. Lázaro Martínez, A. K. Chattah, R. M. Torres Sánchez, G. Y. Buldain,V. Campodall Orto. Polymer.53, 1288-1297 (2012).

The Plastic and Liquid Phases of CCl3Br Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations

  1. Caballero, M. Zuriaga, M. Carignano and P. Serra. J. Chem..Phys. 136, 094515 (2012).

Dynamic heterogeneity in the glass-like monoclinic phases of CBrnCl4?n, n = 0,1,2

M.J. Zuriaga, S.C. Perez, L.C. Pardo and J.Ll.Tamarit. J. Chem. Phys. 137, 054506 (2012).

Dynamic heterogeneity in the glass-like monoclinic phases of CBrnCl4?n, n = 0,1,2

M.J. Zuriaga, S.C. Perez, L.C. Pardo and J.Ll.Tamarit. J. Chem. Phys. 137, 054506 (2012).


Rotational relaxation characteristics of the monoclinic phase of CCl4

Mariano Zuriaga, Marcelo Carignano and Pablo Serra. J. Chem. Phys. 135, 044504 (2011)

Enalapril:beta-CD Complex: Stability Enhancement in Solid State

Ariana Zoppi, Claudia Garnero, Yamila Garro Linck, Ana K. Chattah, Gustavo A. Monti, Marcela R. Longhi Carbohydrate Polymers, 86, 716-721 (2011).

Multinuclear solid state NMR investigation of two polymorphic forms of Ciprofloxacin-saccharinate

Y. Garro Linck, A.K. Chattah, R. Graf, C.B. Romañuk, M.E. Olivera, R.H. Manzo, G.A. Monti, H.W. Spiess Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 13, 6590–6596 (2011), doi: 10.1039/C0CP02919J.

Influence of the microstructure of vulcanized polybutadiene rubber in the dielectric properties

Ana L Rodriguez Garraza; Patricio Sorichetti; Angel Jose Marzocca, Claudia L Matteo, Gustavo A Monti Polymer Testing, 30, 657-662 (2011).

Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Activity of AlSBA-3 Mesoporous Catalyst Having Variable Silicon-to-Aluminum Ratios

María L. Martínez, Marcos B. Gómez Costa, Gustavo A. Monti and Oscar A. Anunziata Mesoporous and Microporous Materials, 144, 183-190(2011).

Non-Markovian decay and dynamics of decoherence in private and public environments

A.D. Dente, P.R. Zangara, H.M. Pastawski. Phys. Rev. A 84, 042104 (2011)arxiv.1106.2457.

Tuning laser-induced band gaps in graphene

H.L. Calvo, H.M. Pastawski, S. Roche, L.E.F Torres. Applied Physics Letters, 98,(2011).


Crucial role of decoherence for electronic transport in molecular wires: Polyaniline as a case study

Carlos J. Cattena, Raúl A. Bustos-Marún, Horacio M. Pastawski. Phys. Rev. B 82, 144201 (2010).

NMR Characterization of Hydrate and Aldehyde Forms of Imidazole-2-carboxaldehyde and Derivatives

Juan Manuel Lazaro Martínez, Pablo Nicolas Romasanta, Ana Karina Chattah, Graciela Yolanda Buldain J. Org. Chem, DOI: 10.1021/jo902588s (2010).

Exact time-reversal focusing of acoustic and quantum excitations in open cavities: The perfect inverse filter

H.L. Calvo and H.M. Pastawski EPL 89, 60002 (2010). arXiv:1003.1941

Crystallographic, thermal and spectroscopic characterization of a ciprofloxacin saccharinate polymorph

C.B. Romañuk, Y.Garro Linck, A.K. Chattah, G.A. Monti, M.T. Garland, R. Baggio, R. Manzo, M.E. Olivera, S. Cuffini Internacional Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 391, Nº 1-2, pag. 197-202 (2010).

Buffering plasmons in nanoparticle waveguides at the virtual-localized transition

R.A. Bustos-Marún, E.A. Coronado, H.M. Pastawski. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 82,(2010).

Decoherence as attenuation of mesoscopic echoes in a spin-chain channel

G.A. Álvarez, E.P. Danieli, P.R. Levstein, H.M. Pastawski. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 82,(2010).

Perfect state transfers by selective quantum interferences within complex spin networks

G.A. Álvarez, M. Mishkovsky, E.P. Danieli, P.R. Levstein, H.M. Pastawski, L. Frydman. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 81,(2010).

Controlling the conductance of molecular wires by defect engineering

D. Nozaki, H.M. Pastawski, G. Cuniberti. New Journal of Physics, 12,(2010).


New Microscopic Mechanism for Secondary Relaxation in Glasses

  1. Zuriaga, L.C. Pardo, P. Lunkenheimer, J.Ll. Tamarit, N. Veglio, M. Barrio, F.J. Bermejo, and A. Loidl. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 075701 (2009)

Survival probability of a local excitation in a non-Markovian environment: Survival collapse, Zeno and anti-Zeno effects

E. Rufeil-Fiori, H.M.Pastawski Physica B 404, 2812–2815 (2009).

Effective one-body dynamics in multiple-quantum NMR experiments

E. Rufeil-Fiori, C. M. Sanchez, F. Y. Oliva, H. M. Pastawski, P. R. Levstein Phys. Rev. A 79, 032324 (2009) arXiv:0810.1722.

Diffusion spin echo suppression in the presence of inhomogeneous gradients

Paul P. Zänker, Jochen Schmidt, Jörg Schmiedeskamp, Rodolfo H. Acosta, Hans W. Spiess Chemical Physics Letters 481, 137–141 (2009).

NMR dipolar constants of motion in liquid crystals: Jeener-Broekaert, double quantum coherence experiments and numerical calculation on a 10-spin cluster

H.H. Segnorile, C.J. Bonin, C.E. González, R.H. Acosta, and R.C. Zamar Solid State NMR, Aceptado (2009).

NMR Loschmidt echoes as quantifiers of decoherence in interacting spin systems

C. M. Sánchez, P. R. Levstein, R. H. Acosta,and A. K. Chattah Phys. Rev. A, 80, 012328 (2009). También publicado en el Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, volúmen 20, No 6, sección Quantum coherence, computing and information store (10 de Agosto 2009).

Transiently trapped Entanglements in Model Polymer Networks

Rodolfo H. Acosta, Gustavo A. Monti, Marcelo A. Villar, Enrique M. Vallés, and Daniel A. Vega Macromolecules, 42, 4674-4680 (2009).

Characterization of the solubility and solid-state properties of saccharin salts of fluoroquinolones

Carolina B Romañuk, Yamila Garro Linck, Ana K. Chattah, Gustavo A. Monti, Rubén H. Manzo, María E. Olivera. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, DOI: 10.1002/jps.2168 (2009).

Resolution enhancement in MRI of laser polarized 3He by control of diffusion

L. Agulles-Pedrós, R. H. Acosta, P. Blümler and H. W. Spiess. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 197 (1), 56-62 (2009).

Dipolar order in thermotropic liquid crystals studied by multiple quantum NMR

L. Buljubasich, G.A. Monti, R.H. Acosta, C.J. Bonin, C.E. González and R.C. Zamar The Journal of Chemical Physics.130, 024501 (2009).

Time-Reversal Mirrors in Chaotic Cavities

Hernan L. Calvo, Rodolfo A. Jalabert and Horacio M. Pastawski. Complex Phenomena in Nanoscale Systems, G. Casati and D. Matrasulov (eds.), NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B. Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009.


Multiple Quantum Dynamics and Decoherence in a Restricted Hilbert Space

E. Rufeil-Fiori, C. M. Sanchez, F. Y. Oliva, H. M. Pastawski, P. R. Levstein Sent to Phys. Rev. A. (October 2008) arXiv:0810.1722.

Dynamical regimes of a quantum swap gate beyond the Fermi Golden Rule

Axel D. Dente, Raúl A. Bustos-Marún, Horacio M. Pastawski Phys. Rev. A 78, 062116 (2008) arXiv:0810.1043.

Semiclassical Theory of Time-Reversal Focusing

Hernan L. Calvo, Rodolfo A. Jalabert, Horacio M. Pastawski Phys. Rev. Lett 101, 240403 (2008). arXiv:0807.5049.

New copper (II) complexes of polyampholytes or polyelectrolytes polymers: solid-state NMR, FTIR, XRD and thermal analysis

Juan M. Lázaro Martínez, Ana K. Chattah, Gustavo A. Monti, María F. Leal Denis, Viviana Campo Dall’ Orto, Graciela Y. Buldain Polymer 49, 5482–5489 (2008) doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2008.10.011

Quantum parallelism as a tool for ensemble spin dynamics calculations

G.A. Álvarez, E.P. Danieli, P.R. Levstein, H.M. Pastawski Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 120503 (2008) arXiv:0710.3747.

Time-reversal of a wave packet emitted by an internal source: the perfect inverse filter

Hernán L. Calvo, Horacio M. Pastawski arXiv:0804.2355.

Hole burning in polycrystalline C60: An answer to the long pseudocoherent tails

M.B. Franzoni, P.R. Levstein, J. Raya, J. Hirschinger Phys. Rev. B 78, 115407 (2008).

Lysophosphatidylcholine–arbutin complexes form bilayer-like structures

M. A. Frías, B. Winik, M. B. Franzoni, P. R. Levstein, A. Nicastro, A. M. Gennaro, S. B. Diaz, E. A. Disalvo Biochimica et Biophysica 1778, pp. 1259–1266 (2008).

Distant Dipolar Fields in Laserpolarized Gases on the Macroscopic Scale

Paul P. Zänker, Jörg Schmiedeskamp, Hans W. Spiess, Rodolfo H. Acosta Physical Review Letters 100, 213001 (2008).


Pair partitioning in time reversal acoustics

H. L. Calvo and H. M. Pastawski Mecánica Computacional XXVI, pp.74-80 (2007) ISSN 1666-6070 arXiv:0802.2110.

Spin echo formation in presence of fast stochastic dynamics.

P.P. Zänker, J. Schmidt, J. Schmiedeskamp, R.H. Acosta, and H.W. Spiess. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 263001 (2007).

NMR and IR characterization of the aluminium complexes of norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin fluoroquinolones.

A.K. Chattah, Y. Garro Linck, G.A. Monti, P.R. Levstein, S.A. Breda, R.H. Manzo and M.E. Olivera. Magn. Res. in Chem. 45 (10), 850 (2007).

Decoherence under many-body system-environment interactions: a stroboscopic representation based on a fictitiously homogenized interaction rate.

G.A. Álvarez, E.P. Danieli, P.R. Levstein, and H.M. Pastawski. Phys. Rev. A 75, 062116 (2007). cond-mat/0701574

Quantum dynamical phase transition in a system with many-body interactions.

E.P. Danieli, G.A. Alvarez, P.R. Levstein, and H.M. Pastawski. Solid State Communications 141, 422 (2007). cond-mat/0511639

Time reversal mirror and perfect inverse filter in a microscopic model for sound propagation.

H.L. Calvo, E.P. Danieli and H.M. Pastawski. Physica B 398 (2), 317 (2007). cond-mat/0702301

Signatures of a quantum dynamical phase transition in a three-spin system in presence of a spin environment.

G.A. Álvarez, P.R. Levstein and H.M. Pastawski. Physica B 398 (2), 438 (2007). cond-mat/0703158

Time evolution of multiple quantum coherences in NMR.

C.M. Sánchez, H.M. Pastawski and P.R. Levstein. Physica B 398 (2), 472 (2007).

Revisiting the Fermi Golden Rule: Quantum dynamical phase transition as a paradigm shift.

H.M. Pastawski. Physica B 398 (2), 278 (2007). arXiv:0705.0773

Towards a time reversal mirror for quantum systems.

H.M. Pastawski, E.P. Danieli, H.L. Calvo and L.E.F Foa Torres. EPL 77, 40001 (2007). quant-ph/0403130

Physicochemical characterization of deflazacort: Thermal analysis, crystallographic and spectroscopic study.

S.L. Cuffini, J.F. Ellena, Y.P. Mascarenhas, A.P. Ayala, H.W. Sielse, J. Mendes Filho, G.A. Monti, V. Aiassa, N.R. Sperandeo. Steroids 72 (3), 261 (2007).


Sensitivity and Resolution in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Diffusive Materials.

R.H. Acosta, Peter Blümler and H.W. Spiess. W.C. Conner and J. Fraissard (eds.), Fluid Transport in Nanoporous Materials, Springer, 241 - 253 (2006).

A method for dynamical characterization and high resolution 1H-NMR in dipolar coupled systems: Application to liquid crystals.

A.K. Chattah and P.R. Levstein. J. Chem. Phys. 124, 124513 (7) (2006).

Double Quantum NMR Applied to Polymer Networks with Low Concentration of Pendant Chains.

R. H. Acosta, G. A. Monti, D. A. Vega, M. A. Villar, E. M. Vallés. Macromolecules 39 (14), (2006).

Environmentally induced quantum dynamical phase transition in the spin swapping operation.

G.A. Alvarez, E.P. Danieli, P.R. Levstein, and H.M. Pastawski. J. Chem. Phys. 124, 194507(8) (2006).cond-mat/0504347

Non-Markovian decay beyond the Fermi Golden Rule: Survival Collapse of the polarization in spin chains.

E. Rufeil Fiori and H. M. Pastawski. Chem. Phys. Lett. 420, 35-41 (2006). quant-ph/0511176

Controlling the Diffusion of 3He by Buffer Gases as a Structural Contrast Agent in Lung MRI.

R.H. Acosta, P. Blümler, L. Agulles-Pedrós, A.E. Morbach, J. Schmiedeskamp, A. Herweling, U. Wolf, A. Scholz, W. G. Schreiber, W. Heil, M. Thelen and H. W. Spiess. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 24, 1291-1297 (2006).

Diffusion in binary gas mixtures studied by NMR of hyperpolarized gases and molecular dynamic simulations.

R. H. Acosta, L. Agulles-Pedrós, S. Komin, D. Sebastiani, H. W. Spiess and P. Blümler. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 8 (36), 4182-4188 (2006).

Dynamical phase transition in vibrational surface modes.

H.L. Calvo and H.M. Pastawski. Braz. J. Phys. 36 3B, 963 (2006). cond-mat/0604059

Survival probability of surface excitation in a 2d lattice: non-Markovian effects and Survival Collapse.

E. Rufeil Fiori and H. M. Pastawski. Braz. J. Phys. 36 3B, 844 (2006). quant-ph/0604069


On the the Role of Collective and Local Molecular Fluctuations in the Relaxation of Proton Intrapair Dipolar Order in Nematic 5CB.

O. Mensio, R.C. Zamar, E. Anoardo, R.H. Acosta and R.Y. Dong. J. Chem. Phys. 123, 204911 (2005).

Manifestations of the absence of spin diffusion in multiple NMR experiments on diluted dipolar solids.

M.B. Franzoni and P.R. Levstein. Phys. Rev. B 72 (23), 235410(5) (2005). cond-mat/0508325

Quantum dynamics under coherent and incoherent effects of a spin bath in the Keldysh formalism: application to a spin swapping operation.

Ernesto P. Danieli, Horacio M. Pastawski and Gonzalo A. Álvarez. Chemical Physics Letter 402, 88 (2005). cond-mat/0403399


Lung Fixation for the Preservation of Air Spaces.

P. Blümler, R.H. Acosta, A. Thomas-Semm and S. Reuss. Experimental Lung Research 30, 73 (2004).

Molecular dynamics above the smectic A-isotropic phase transition of thermotropic liquid crystals studied by NMR.

F. Vaca Chávez, R.H. Acosta and D.J. Pusiol. Chem. Phys. Lett. 392 (4-6), 403 (2004).

Imaging of a mixture of hyperpolarized 3He and 129Xe.

R.H. Acosta, P. Blümler, S. Han, S. Appelt, W. Häsing, J. Schmiedeskamp, W. Heil, and H.W. Spiess. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 22, 1077 (2004).

Spin Projection Chromatography.

E.P. Danieli, H.M. Pastawski and P.R. Levstein. Chem. Phys. Lett. 384, 306-311 (2004). cond-mat/0311395

Contribution of the methine proton to the transverse 1H NMR relaxation in vulcanized natural rubber.

C. A. Steren, G. A. Monti, A. J. Marzocca and S. Cerveny. Macromolecules 37, 5624-5629 (2004).

NMR polarization echoes in a nematic liquid crystal.

P.R. Levstein, A.K. Chattah, H.M. Pastawski, J. Raya, and J. Hirschinger. J. Chem. Phys. 121(15), 7313-7319 (2004).

Polymorphism of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane: NQR and DTA study of the ordered and disordered phases.

N. Veglio, M. J. Zuriaga and G. A. Monti. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16, (2004).


Decoherence and the Loschmidt echo

F.M. Cucchietti, D.A.R. Dalvit, J.P. Paz, W.H. Zurek Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 210403 (2003) arXiv:quant-ph/0306142 .

Reorientation dynamics in a nematic liquid crystal studied by Fast Field Cycling NMR.

R.H. Acosta and D.J. Pusiol. J. Chem. Phys. 119 (6), 3461 (2003).

Solution and Solid State Properties of a Set of Procaine and Procainamide Derivatives.

M.E. Olivera, M.V. Ramírez Rigo, A.K. Chattah, P.R. Levstein M. Baschini and R.H. Manzo. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 18(5), 337-348 (2003).

Preparation and characterization of aluminium - containing MCM-41.

Griselda A. Eimer, Liliana B. Pierella, Gustavo A. Monti and Oscar A. Anunziata. Catalysis Communications 4, 118-123, (2003).

Many-Spin Quantum Dynamics during cross-polarization in 8CB.

A.K. Chattah, G.A. Álvarez, P.R. Levstein, F.M. Cucchietti, H.M. Pastawski, J.Raya and J. Hirschinger. J. Chem. Phys. 119, 7943-7951 (2003).

NMR proton spin dynamics in thermotropic liquid crystals subject to multipulse.

R.H. Acosta, R.C. Zamar and G.A. Monti. Phys. Rev. E 68 (4), 041705-1-041705-7, (2003).


Exact Spin Dynamics of Inhomogeneous 1-d Systems at High Temperature.

E.P Danieli, H.M. Pastawski and P.R. Levstein. Physica B 320(1-4), 351-353 (2002).

Synthesis and charaterization of Al-MCM-41 and Al-MCM-48 mesoporous materials.

Griselda A. Eimer, Liliana B. Pierella, Gustavo A. Monti and Oscar A. Anunziata. Catalysis Letters 78, 65-75 (N1), (2002).

Radiofrequency Induced Temperature Increase as a Function of Cross Polarization Contact Time in 8CB.

A.K. Chattah, F.M. Cucchietti, M. Hologne, J. Raya and P.R. Levstein. Mag. Reson. In Chemistry 40, 772-776 (2002).


NMR Spin-Lattice Relaxation Study in the nematic phase of butylcyano-phenylcyclohexane.

R.H. Acosta and D.J. Pusiol. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 366, 1895 (2001).

Comparison of mean field theory and 1H-NMR transversal relaxation of poly(dimethylsiloxane) networks.

D.A. Vega, M.A. Villar, E.M. Vallés, C.A. Steren and G.A. Monti. Macromolecules 34, 283-288 (2001).

Low temperature phases of strontium nitroprusside tetrahydrate (Sr[Fe(CN)5NO].4H2O). Refinement of the neutron structure at 60 K.

G. Chevrier, A. Navaza, J.M. Kiat, G.A. Monti, M.J. Zuriaga, C.A. Martín, J.A. Guida, P.L. Lanzelotti, P.J. Aymonino. Journal of Chemical Crystallography 31, 491-500 (2001).


Experimental NMR spin-lattice relaxometry study in the liquid crystalline nematic phase of propylcyano-phenylcyclohexane.

R.H. Acosta and D.J. Pusiol. Phys. Rev. E, 63, 011707 (2000).

Cholesterol-induced Alterations of the Packing Properties of Gangliosides: An EPR Study.

M.M. Pincelli, P.R. Levstein, G.Fidelio and A.M. Gennaro. Chem. Phys. Lipids 104 (2), 193-206 (2000).

A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Answer to the Boltzmann-Loschmidt Controversy?.

H.M. Pastawski, P.R. Levstein, G. Usaj, J. Raya and J. Hirschinger. Physica A 283, 166-170 (2000).

1H-Spin Dynamics obtained from an Off-resonant Decoupling in a 13C NMR Signal.

P.R. Levstein, G. Usaj, H.M. Pastawski, J. Raya and J. Hirschinger. J. Chem. Phys. 113(15), 6285-6287 (2000).


Pseudo-Nematic Order Fluctuations of the Director in the Smectic Phase of Thermotropic Liquid Crystals.

R.H. Acosta and D.J. Pusiol. Phys. Rev. E 60 (2), 1808 (1999).

Proton Spin-Diffusion in PVDF, a 1H - 19F CP/MAS NMR study.

P. Holstein, G.A. Monti and R.K. Harris. Journal of Chemical Physics-Physical Chemistry, 1, 3549-3555 (1999).

Analysis of Cross Polarisation Dynamics between 1H and 19F in Viton Fluoroelastomer using Solid State 19F MAS and 1H - 19F CP/MAS NMR.

S. Ando, Robin K. Harris, G.A. Monti and S. Reinsberg. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 37, 709-720 (1999).

Dynamic and Static effects on 35Cl - NQR due to substitutional impurities in crystalline p-Dichloro Benzene.

A.P. Bussandri, M.J. Zuriaga and C.A. Martín. J. Phys. Condens. Matter 111, 3581 (1999).

Synthesis of precursors for PZT thin films by chemical solution deposition.

R. Caruso, O. de Sanctis, A. Frattini, C.A. Steren and R. Gil. Surface and Coatings Technology 122, 44-50 (1999).


Two Frequency Imaging Method for Multi-level Quadrupolar Systems.

R. Acosta, H. Robert y D.J. Pusiol. Applied Magnetic Resonance 15, 11 (1998).

Fluorine-19 MAS 1H - 19F CP/MAS NMR study of Viton Fluoropolymers.

G.A. Monti and R.K. Harris. Magentic Resonance in Chemistry 36, 892 (1998).

Synthesis of Cross-Linked Polymers by Reaction of Sucrose and Diepoxide Monomers: Characterisation and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study.

G. Spila Riera, H. Azurmendi, M.E. Ramia, H.R. Bertorello and C.A. Martín. Polymer 39, 3515 (1998).

Room Temperature Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Study of the Mixed Crystal P-Dichloro-benzene(1-X) P-Dibromo Benzene(X).

P. Bussandri, M.J. Zuriaga and C.A. Martín. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 59, 201 (1998).

Cholesterol-Induced Stabilization of Lamellar Structures in Ganglioside-Containing Lipid Aggregates. A 31P - NMR Study.

M.M. Pincelli, P.R. Levstein, C.A. Martín and G.D. Fidelio. Chem. Phys. Lipids 94, 109 (1998).

Phase diagram of a lyotropic mixture sodium bis (2 ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate/dodecanol/water: Reverse micellar, cylindrical, lamellar and sponge phases.

M. Magalhães, D. Pusiol, M.E. Ramia and A.M. Figueiredo Neto. J. Chem. Phys. 108, 9, 3835 (1998).

Nuclear magnetic resonance study of the internal magnetic field distribution in water base ionic and surfacted ferrofluids.

C. Gonzalez, D. Pusiol, A. Neto Figueiredo, M.E. Ramia and A. Bee. J. Chem. Phys. 109, 10, 1 (1998).

Heteronuclear and quadrupolar second moment determination of the NQR line of 127I in NaIO4.

H.F. Azurmendi, O.A. Nagel and M.E. Ramia. Solid State NMR 13, 183 (1998).

Attenuation of polarization echoes in NMR: A test for the emergence of Dynamical Irreversibility in Many-Body Quantum Systems.

P.R. Levstein, G. Usaj and H.M. Pastawski. J. Chem. Phys. 108, 2718 (1998). cond-mat/9708172

Dimentional Crossover in Spin Diffusion: A manifestation of the Quantum Zeno Effect.

H.M. Pastawski and G. Usaj. Phys. Rev. B 57, 5017 (1998). cond-mat/9711301

A source of terahertz Coherent phonons (SASER).

S.S. Makler, E.V. Anda, D.E. Tuyarot, J. Weberszpil, H.M. Pastawski and M.I. Vasilevski. J. Phys. Condens. Matter 10 (26), 5905 (1998).

Surgimiento de Irreversibilidad Dinámica en sistemas Cuánticos de muchos cuerpos: Una prueba usando Resonancia Magnética Nuclear.

H.M. Pastawski, G. Usaj, P.R. Levstein y R.A. Iglesias. Revista Mexicana de Física 44 S3, 1 (1998).

Gaussian to Exponential Crossover in the attenuation of polarization echoes in NMR.

G. Usaj, H.M. Pastawski and P.R. Levstein. Molecular Physics 95, 1229 (1998) - edición en Honor de Richard R. Ernst. cond-mat/9803047

Spin-Echo Mapping Spectroscopy Applied to Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance.

A.P. Bussandri and M.J. Zuriaga. J. Magn. Reson. 131, 224 (1998).


Ganglioside Hydration Study by 2H-NMR: Dependence on Temperature and Water/lipid Ratio.

C. Arnulphi, P.R. Levstein, M.E. Ramia, C.A. Martín and G. Fidelio. J. of Lipid Research 38, 1412 (1997).

Measurements of NQR Homonuclear and Heteronuclear-quadrupolar Second Moments in NaIO4.

O.A. Nagel, M.E. Ramia and N.R. Veglio. J. of Phys.: Cond. Matter 9, 10941 (1997).

NMR lineshape in Metallic Nanoparticles: a Matrix Continued Fractions evaluation.

H.M. Pastawski and J.A. Gascón. Phys. Rev. B 56, 4887 (1997). cond-mat/9704044

FT-EPR Study of Photoionization in Micellar Solutions.

H. van Willigen, P.R. Levstein, D. Martino, A. Ourdaoui and C. Tassa. Appl. Mag. Res. 12, 395 (1997).

FT-EPR and HPLC Study of 4-CHLOROPHENOL Photolysis.

A. Ouardaoui, D.M. Martino, C.A. Steren and H. van Willigen. Applied Magnetic Resonance 13, 275 (1997).

Time-Resolved EPR Study of 3C60 in Solid Matrices.

D.M. Martino, C.A. Steren and H. van Willigen. Research on Chemical Intermediates 23 (5), 415 (1997).

Molecular Structure and EPR Data of Dimeric Di-µ-axide-bis[cyanide(N,N diethylethylenediamine)] copper(II).

O.E. Piro, E.E. Castellano, J. Zukerman-Schpector, De Simone, D.M. Martino and C.A. Steren. J. of Chem. Crystallography 27, 127 (1997).


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Caracterización por RMN de nuevos complejos de fluoroquinolonas con aluminio.
Ana K. Chattah, Yamila Garro Linck, Gustavo A. Monti, Patricia R. Levstein, Susana A. Breda, Rubén H. Manzo, María E. Olivera. Anales de la Asociación Física Argentina, 18, 144-151 (2006), ISSN: 1850-1158


Relajación Transversal de Protones en NMR de Redes Modelo de PDMS.

G.A. Monti, C.A. Steren, D.A. Vega, M.A. Villar y E.M. Vallés. Actas del Simposio Argentino de Polímeros 96 (1999).


Síntesis de Pb(ZrxTi1?x)O3 a partir de alcóxidos precursores y evolución térmica de los polvos derivados.

R. Caruso, O. de Sanctis, E. Benavidez, A. Frattini, A. Caneiro, A. Serquis y C.A. Steren. Actas del IX Congreso Internacional de Cerámica y III del Mercosur 1, 263 (1998).

Efectos Superficiales en la Estadística de la Densidad Local de Estados en Nanopartículas Metálicas.

J.A. Gascón y H.M. Pastawski. ANALES AFA 10, 169 (1998).

Decoherencia, Dinámica Difusiva y Decaimiento Exponencial en Soluciones Exactas de la Ecuación de Scrhrödinger.

F.M. Cucchietti, H.M. Pastawski, G. Usaj y E. Medina. ANALES AFA 10, 224 (1998).

Efecto del Colesterol sobre Estructuras Supramoleculares de Glicolípidos. Estudios por Resonancia Paramagnética Electrónica.

A.M. Gennaro, M.M. Pincelli y P.R. Levstein. Anales de la Asociación Física Argentina 10, 366 (1998).


Origen de la Flecha del Tiempo: un test experimental usando NMR.

G. Usaj, R. Iglesias, P.R. Levstein y H.M. Pastawski. Anales de la Asociación Física Argentina 9, 203 (1997).

Análisis de Copolímeros de Estireno/Butadieno por Resonancia Magnética Nuclear de Estado Sólido.

C.A. Steren, L.M. Gugliotta, J.R. Vega, C.A. Martín y G.R. Meira. Actas del Simposio Argentino de Polímeros 55 (1997).

FaMAF - Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
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